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In addition to the estate and gift tax exemption amount, individual tax rates are set to increase and revert to pre-Tax Act levels. Without new tax legislation prior to December 31, 2025, individuals and married couples could pay taxes at a higher rate.


Data sources: Internal Revenue Service
Aside from the first two brackets, these rates apply over different ranges of taxable income


With a potentially higher tax environment looming, there are some provisions you should be aware of and some strategies that may benefit your wealth plan.

Roth IRA Conversion

A Roth conversion is the transfer of all or part of the balance of an existing traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. The money moved into the Roth IRA will be taxable as income in the year of the conversion; however, there could be significant savings. For example, if you wait more than five years from the date of conversion to the Roth IRA, investment earnings can be withdrawn income tax-free.  

Required Minimum Distribution

If you have a traditional IRA or a retirement plan account, you must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) each year starting at the age of 73. Consider increasing RMD withdrawals to leverage the current tax rates. Note: there are no RMDs for Roth IRAs.

Alternative Minimum Income Tax

When completing a tax return there are two calculations that take place: a traditional income tax liability and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) liability. You will pay whichever amount is greater.

The AMT rate may be lower than your traditional income tax rate, however, it is calculated differently. One adjustment is the removal of common income tax itemized deductions such as state, local and property taxes, as well as other adjustments.

The 2017 Tax Act enacted a higher AMT exemption and raised the income threshold at which the exemption begins to phase out. As a result, this dramatically reduced the number of taxpayers impacted by the AMT (from over 5 million in 2017 to around 200,000 in 2018). With the sunset looming, you may have to pay according to AMT rates versus your income tax rate.

If you are going to experience an event that will be an AMT preference item, consider whether you can modify the timing to do so before January 1, 2026.


Source: Internal Revenue Service. Revenue Procedure 2022-38, October 2022.
Notes: All parameters are indexed annually for inflation.

Capital Gains & Qualified Opportunity Zones

The 2017 Tax Act temporarily established a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) tax benefit that provides several tax incentives. It allows the deferral of capital gains tax from the sale of any appreciated asset to the extent the proceeds are timely invested in a Qualified Opportunity Zone asset or fund.

Additional tax benefits include an increase in the investment basis if specific holding periods are met and a permanent tax exclusion on earnings on investments if held for at least 10 years.

Educational Materials

Considerations for Converting to a Roth IRA


2024 Election Spotlight: A Comparative Analysis of Key Income Tax Positions


Unpacking Taxation of Unrealized Capital Gains


Prepare for the 2025 Tax Sunset

Learn More


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This material provides information of possible interest to Glenmede’s clients and friends, and does not provide investment, tax, legal or other advice. Any advice in this communication is not intended or written by us to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i)avoiding penalties that may be imposed by any governmental taxing authority or agency, or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any matters addressed herein. Any opinions, recommendations, expectations and/or projections expressed herein may change after the date of publication. Information obtained from third-party sources is assumed to be reliable but may not be independently verified, and the accuracy thereof is not guaranteed. Any potential outcome discussed, including but not limited to performance, legislation or tax consequence, ultimately may not occur due to various risks and uncertainties. Clients are encouraged to discuss any matter discussed herein with their tax advisor, attorney or Glenmede Relationship Manager.